Restful Authentication and Basic HTTP Auth

I had an application that was prompting a HTTP Authentication box in IE after using the restful authentication plugin. The way I fixed it was to replace the access_denied method in lib/authenticated_system.rb to:

def access_denied
  respond_to do |format|
    format.any do
      #format.html do
      redirect_to new_session_path
    #format.any do
      #  request_http_basic_authentication 'Web Password'

Noticed I commented some lines out. This was so that if i ever need to revert, the code will still be there and I wont have to go looking for it. Hope this helps!

Rails route helpers – route_url vs route_path

If you weren’t already aware of this, there IS a difference between using route_url and route_path. Here are what they return:

<%= posts_url %>  # => http://localhost:3000/posts
<%= posts_path %> # => /posts

As a general rule of thumb, you would want to use posts_url in your controllers, and posts_path in your views.

href jumps to top of page

While this isn’t a ruby on rails specific issue, I do tend to do this a lot, and never thought twice about it, until it starts bugging the crap out of me. The issue is that you have a link that is used to do some type of javascript, instead of linking. So you add an onclick event, but you need something to link to. I usually put in a # sign:

Do Something

<%= link_to 'Do Something', '#', :onclick=>'dosomething()' %>

This is great, except that it jumps you to the top of the page. Very annoying. Here is the solution:

Do Something

<%= link_to 'Do Something', '#nogo', :onclick=>'dosomething()' %>

Notice I added “nogo” to my #. This will help prevent from jumping to the top of the page. You can of course use any text you want there.

Instant Rails Scaling through Asynchronous(Non-blocking) ActiveRecord

The guys over at NeverBlock have released a database adapter for Rails application that will severely increase the performance of ActiveRecord. Its also really easy to integrate into your application. Heres how: Add a line to environment.rb for mongrel or thin servers:

require 'never_block/servers/thin'


require 'never_block/servers/mongrel'

Change the adapter in database.yml:

adapter: neverblock_postgresql


adapter: neverblock_mysql

You can also specify the number of connections (default of 4):

connections: 12

More information, along with benchmarks, can be found here.