Rails TypeError (can’t dump File)
For a while, I kept getting exceptions from my app in the form of "TypeError (can't dump File):"
. I finally found out that this was caused when I was using active_record_store with something like file_column, attachment_fu, or paperclip. Basically whenever you’re storing a file in session, that was too large for the session, you would experience this issue. Here is how to get around it: Say you have a model like so (This is using file_column):
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
file_column :filename
Then in your controller you would want to add a line before you redirect off to clear that session:
class Controller < ApplicationController
def create
@model = Model.find(params[:model])
params[:model][:filename] = nil rescue nil # Reset value here
redirect_to models_path(@model)
As you can see, I am resetting the filename value on the model. Now it shouldn’t complain that it can’t dump the file. Happy RAILSING!
Very helpful. Thank you!
you save my life…
really thanks!
Your post is helpful but please change the syntax highlighting! Very hard to read 🙂
Thank you. But how did you figure this out? Where does the “Can’t dump file” message come from?
Thanks, That really works …