For a while, I kept getting exceptions from my app in the form of "TypeError (can't dump File):"
. I finally found out that this was caused when I was using active_record_store with something like file_column, attachment_fu, or paperclip. Basically whenever you’re storing a file in session, that was too large for the session, you would experience this issue. Here is how to get around it: Say you have a model like so (This is using file_column):
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
file_column :filename
Then in your controller you would want to add a line before you redirect off to clear that session:
class Controller < ApplicationController
def create
@model = Model.find(params[:model])!
params[:model][:filename] = nil rescue nil # Reset value here
redirect_to models_path(@model)
As you can see, I am resetting the filename value on the model. Now it shouldn’t complain that it can’t dump the file. Happy RAILSING!